The Just 7 Steps Blog

For parents living with and professionals working with struggling kids

Latest Blog Posts

Self Monitoring with the Self & Match System

Self Monitoring with the Self & Match System

Self Monitoring with the Self and Match SystemI recently completed an interview for my podcast with Jamie Salter and Dr. Katie Croce, the two developers of the system of self monitoring called Self...

How to Use Verbal Imitation to Teach Language

How to Use Verbal Imitation to Teach Language

How to Use Verbal Imitation to Teach LanguageIf your child isn’t making sounds yet, I’ve got just the right tool for you. Verbal imitation can be a powerful tool for a developing child learning to...

ADHD in Kids

ADHD in Kids

ADHD in Kids: Signs, Medication, TreatmentOver 6 million children in the United States, between the ages of two and 17 are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This almost...

Schooling for Kids with Autism

Schooling for Kids with Autism

Schooling for Kids with Special NeedsDo you need help deciding on schooling for kids with autism? I recently had the opportunity to interview a former client of mine, Kelsey General, about this...

Bedtime Hints and Tips

Bedtime Hints and Tips

Bedtime Hints and TipsWhen Your Kids Won’t Go to BedWhat is it about bedtime and procrastination with children? Kids everywhere hate going to bed and can make the nighttime process miserable for...

Parental Expectations

Parental Expectations

Parental ExpectationsWhat Are Parental Expectations? What I mean by this is when parents have an expectation that their children should just listen to them, just because they said so. I want you to...

How to Handle Sensory Issues

How to Handle Sensory Issues

How to Handle Sensory Issues You might be wondering how to handle sensory issues. It's clear that everyone has sensory preferences, things that feel good to us for whatever reason that they do. And...

How your Own Health Affects the Family

How your Own Health Affects the Family

How Your Health Affects the FamilyI was asked recently by a mom, “How your own health affects the family.”  I imagine this is a worry or concern that a lot of parents might have.  Everyone is going...

Become a More Confident Parent

Become a More Confident Parent

Become a More Confident ParentWhat does it take to become a more confident parent? Do you need a higher education?  Do you need the experience that comes with a practice child? Would  superhuman...

Better Relationships with Your Children

Better Relationships with Your Children

Better Relationships with Your Children Everybody wants better relationships with your children. It is the most important aspect of parenting. Can you find a way to guide your child to adult level...

My Kid Won’t Behave

My Kid Won’t Behave

My Kid Won't BehaveNothing can be more stressful than the feeling you get when you say to yourself, “my kid won’t behave.”  When I’m told this by parents, I understand that the question they need to...

How to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

How to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

How to Stay Calm In Stressful SituationsHave you ever looked at other parents and thought, isn’t it crazy that they just know “How to stay calm in stressful situations?”  I mean, parenting is not...

Why Kids Always Push Your Buttons

Why Kids Always Push Your Buttons

Why Kids Always Push Your ButtonsDid you know that one of the top searched terms by parents on the internet is “Why kids always push your buttons?”  Apparently, this is a question that parents ask...

How To Make Your Kid Comfortable Talking To You

How To Make Your Kid Comfortable Talking To You

How to Make Your Kid Comfortable Talking To YouFamily relationships can be hard and sometimes kids can become uncomfortable with their parents.  Kids growing up deal with so many new and unexpected...

Why There Should Be No More Threats at Kids

Why There Should Be No More Threats at Kids

Why There Should Be No More Threats at Kids  Giving your child threats, warnings and promises of consequences does not work in the long term. It is a shortcut that actually cuts off your...

Parenting Tips that Harm Your Children

Parenting Tips that Harm Your Children

3 Parenting Tips that Harm Your Children   Maybe it’s because of the field I’m in, but it seems like everyone is looking for parenting tips. If you're not careful, you can find yourself getting...

How to Handle Frustrating Children

How to Handle Frustrating Children

How to Handle Frustrating ChildrenIf you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered how to handle frustrating children. Frustration is a part of life. We get frustrated when things aren’t going the way...

Help a Child Who Wets the Bed

Help a Child Who Wets the Bed

How to Help a Child Who Wets the Bed | Tips to Stop Wetting the Bed for ChildrenAnyone who sees the anguish and clean up that comes with bed wetting wants to know only one thing.  How to help a...

How to Discipline Your Kids

How to Discipline Your Kids

What to Do and Things to Avoid When Disciplining Children | Healthy Discipline Strategies    How to Discipline your kids is a topic that comes up for me all the time. I know what folks...

Establishing a Healthy Family Culture

Establishing a Healthy Family Culture

Establishing a Healthy Family Culture | Safety and Love in Family Relationships    What is more important in life than establishing a healthy family culture… one where you and your kids...

Get Your Child to Like School

Get Your Child to Like School

Ways to Make Your Kids Like School | Children Don’t Want to Go to School    In today’s blog, I’m going to try to answer the question… How do I get my child to like school.  And to answer...

How to Avoid Bad Behavior in Kids

How to Avoid Bad Behavior in Kids

How to Avoid Bad Behavior in Kids | Stop Bad Behavior with Kids    One of the questions I am constantly asked as a Behavior Analyst and parenting specialist is, how do I avoid bad behavior...

Worried I’m a Bad Parent

Worried I’m a Bad Parent

I’m Worried I’m a Bad Parent | What is a Bad Parent?    Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m worried I’m a bad parent?  I mean, your kids aren’t perfect. They are not always happy,...

How to Get your child to listen without Yelling

How to Get your child to listen without Yelling

Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling | Keeping Calm as a Parent    If your goal in life is getting your child to listen without yelling, then you are in the right place.  Nobody wants...

Dealing with Teenage Drama

Dealing with Teenage Drama

Dealing with Teen Drama as a Parent | Understanding Teenage Behavior    Are you tired of dealing with all the teenage drama as a parent?  Can you not handle the seemingly endless...

Why Is It That My Child Won’t Respect Me?

Why Is It That My Child Won’t Respect Me?

Why Is It That My Child Won’t Respect Me? One of the biggest questions in parenting - particularly from fathers - is “why is it that my child won’t respect me?” Respect is a big question in...

How To Avoid Meltdowns in Kids: 4 Easy Steps

How To Avoid Meltdowns in Kids: 4 Easy Steps

How To Avoid Meltdowns in Kids: 4 Easy StepsOne of the biggest problems parents have is learning how to avoid meltdowns in kids. What is a bigger embarrassment or pain in the butt than dealing with...

About Robert Schramm

Robert Schramm is a father,  Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and published author of the books “Motivation and Reinforcement” and “The 7 Steps to Instructional Motivation.” He has focused his career on understanding the motivational aspects involved in helping parents overcome challenging behavior to raise capable and confident adults.

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Parents have one of the hardest and most important jobs in the world and the truth is, most parents are not given the useful, practical information they need to help them do this job effectively. Behavior analysis is the best tool we have in supporting education and raising our kids but often it is kept hidden behind complex language and restricted views of how it can be used. I want every parent of every child to know the secrets to developing a great relationship with your child while still being able to guide them to becoming their best selves. My goal is to bring this information to you in clear, interesting and useful ways. Having worked in Behavior Analysis for over 20 years, I have boiled down the most important aspects of behavioral information to “Just 7 Steps” and I teach these steps to parents and professionals worldwide in the hopes of giving more children the hand they need in learning how to navigate this world. You will be amazed at how quickly the change occurs once you get started!