Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m worried I’m a bad parent?  I mean, your kids aren’t perfect. They are not always happy, sometimes they don’t even seem to like you. So, is it so far-fetched to think, maybe, just maybe, you are not a good parent?   

What is a Good Parent?

I decided to do today’s blog on being worried I’m a bad parent because I’ve been seeing this come up a lot on social media and it always bothers me.  I just want to scream out the answer to them so that they hear it and it sticks. I’m not sure if parents are in need of  affirmation or commiseration. Maybe they just don’t feel like a good parent at the moment.

What is it that makes someone feel like a bad parent?  Is it that their children are mad at them?  That they aren’t getting along as a family?  Arethey spread too thin dealing with work and the house and relationships and everything else that goes with living life as a human being?

What to Do When I’m Worried I’m a Bad Parent

Well, the bottom line is this.  If you are spending even a moment of your day saying, I’m worried that I’m a bad parent then, I can promise you this.  

You are not a bad parent. 

In fact, you have all the tools you need to be a great one. And that is because the mere fact that you care enough to worry already makes you a good parent. There is no perfect parenting, no right or wrong way to parent. It’s merely figuring out the best path forward for you and your family. Hopefully one that limits the drama and builds independence in kids without damaging the long term relationships. 

Anyone who truly is not a good parent is certainly someone who isn’t capable of taking any time out of their day to worry about it. So, if you are at all worried about the type of parent you are and what to do to be better, you are already a good parent and likely all you need is a little help to find your family’s path to progress.

Become an Even Better Parent

So, if you are ready to take the next step and learn the important principles of parenting that can help you find your family’s path to progress, check out my free workshop called How to Get your Kids to Listen without Raising your Voice and Nagging.  You care enough to ask if you are a good parent and that means you are a good parent.  All you likely need now is a few more tools to make all the difference. 

Start the process of learning what you need to know so that you can be that parent you have always wanted to be. Your children will start responding to you with the respect and love you deserve.