I’m Worried I’m a Bad Parent | What is a Bad Parent? Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m worried I’m a bad parent? I mean, your kids aren’t perfect. They are not always happy, sometimes they don’t even seem to like you. So, is it so far-fetched to...
Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling | Keeping Calm as a Parent If your goal in life is getting your child to listen without yelling, then you are in the right place. Nobody wants to have to raise their voice with their kids, but almost every parent...
Dealing with Teen Drama as a Parent | Understanding Teenage Behavior Are you tired of dealing with all the teenage drama as a parent? Can you not handle the seemingly endless disrespect, moody attitude and laziness that tends to come with the teenage...
3 Tips for When Your Children Can’t Stop Fighting Do your children fight about every little thing? Whether you have boys, girls or some of each, it is not uncommon for kids to get into arguments and fights. So, let’s talk about some really simple...
Why Is It That My Child Won’t Respect Me? One of the biggest questions in parenting – particularly from fathers – is “why is it that my child won’t respect me?” Respect is a big question in parenting. People are always worried about the term respect when...
3 Activites to Strengthen Your Bond With Your Child What’s more important in life than finding new activities to strengthen your bond with your child? We all know about the basics: playing board games, card games, sports and even watching tv together can be real...