How to Handle Frustrating Children If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered how to handle frustrating children. Frustration is a part of life. We get frustrated when things aren’t going the way we want. This is true when it comes to our children, too. We get...
How to Help a Child Who Wets the Bed | Tips to Stop Wetting the Bed for Children Anyone who sees the anguish and clean up that comes with bed wetting wants to know only one thing. How to help a child who wets the bed. On today’s blog, I want to share about all...
What to Do and Things to Avoid When Disciplining Children | Healthy Discipline Strategies How to Discipline your kids is a topic that comes up for me all the time. I know what folks mean by the word discipline, but it is a hard question to answer because...
Establishing a Healthy Family Culture | Safety and Love in Family Relationships What is more important in life than establishing a healthy family culture… one where you and your kids are teammates in the process of helping them grow and develop and you...
Ways to Make Your Kids Like School | Children Don’t Want to Go to School In today’s blog, I’m going to try to answer the question… How do I get my child to like school. And to answer this, I’m going to explain a bit about how and why we like anything...
How to Avoid Bad Behavior in Kids | Stop Bad Behavior with Kids One of the questions I am constantly asked as a Behavior Analyst and parenting specialist is, how do I avoid bad behavior in kids? Avoiding Bad behavior in kids is a clear and simple...