A token economy is a motivation plan because it sets up contingencies that are designed to motivate and ultimately reinforce specific behavior. Does it immediately work for everyone? It would be great if it did but you have to utilize it strategically for it to really reinforce a specific behavior you’re working on with your child or student.
We’ve covered what a token plan is, how it works, and why it might not be working for you in part 1. In part 2, I went step-by-step through the process of creating a token plan for yourself that is likely to avoid common missteps and give you a strong motivational pull. We’re wrapping everything up today in this part 3.
We talk about how to get multiple sources of motivation through multi-level plans. How to start a smaller token plan for a child who is used to only working for immediate tangible reinforcement. As well as my three levels (On-Off-In) of token acquisition that uses mini-consequences as part of the plan to help keep motivational pull for a child who is likely to try to take advantage of other plans.
If you have not listened to parts 1 and 2, be sure to check them out so you get the full picture of token economies.
What’s Inside:
- Multi-level plans and how to get sources of motivation from them.
- The benefit of daily reinforcement.
- The On-Off-In token acquisition plan.
- Resources to help with reinforcement, token planning & programs.
Mentioned in this episode