I’m continuing my discussion with Emily Wilson on the importance of assent in education. We last left off talking about my plans to rebrand Step Seven as a troubleshooting step. In other words, show your child that not following your most important instructions will...
3 Parenting Tips that Harm Your Children Maybe it’s because of the field I’m in, but it seems like everyone is looking for parenting tips. If you’re not careful, you can find yourself getting parenting tips that harm your children. Nobody wants to harm...
I got the distinct honor and pleasure to talk to a very fine and increasingly well-known behavior analyst, Emily Wilson. I’ve been fortunate enough to present several times with Emily in recent years. One of the main topics of our discussions has been about the...
How to Handle Frustrating Children If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered how to handle frustrating children. Frustration is a part of life. We get frustrated when things aren’t going the way we want. This is true when it comes to our children, too. We get...
Before I became a board-certified behavioral analyst, I was a special education teacher working in schools with the district’s most challenging students. I’ve also raised my two daughters. But parenting my own children has had the least amount of influence on why I am...